
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 3:25 PM

Chinese exams tomorrow,ssian!
I dun feel like studying now,
but afraid wad if i fail my CHinese???(touch wood)
y are boys so pervertic???
Life Is GeTtInG Out Of HaNd,

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Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 2:26 PM
Missing People- The Question "WHY" by- tomevans

Author: 44424 Category:(Crimes) Created:(11/1/2005 10:41:00 AM) Viewed (2143 times)
It's evening and all we have to do is flip on the television set, put the t.v on Fox News, Headline News, America's Most Wanted, or MSNBC- and we will hear news about the high profile missing/murdered cases that happen to be grabbing the headlines for this week. It was Natalie Holloway and Aruba, until the well appeared to be running dry and then the camera's and reporters move to the next town and the next missing/murdered victim. It wasn't long ago that most of these cases involved missing children who were abducted- but with thanks to the Amber Alert system, this has changed dramatically. Now when a child is taken by some wierdo- the entire country becomes aware of the circumstances and there are very few places the predator and child can hide. For me- the sensationalism of Cable news covering missing adults began with the Chandra Levy case, involving Gary Condit. As we all recall she disappeared without a trace and Condit couldn't go anywhere without a camera in his face or someone shouting questions at him. Eventually she was found, scattered in a Washington Park, and no-one was ever charged with her murder- although Condit looked guilty and according to those who ran him out of the nation's capital- he still looks that way. In his defense- the parents of Jon Benet Ramsey seemed guilty at first in connection with her Christmas death a few years ago- especially when they lawyered up immediately, but recent discoveries seem to show that everyone involved was wrong in that assumption. There are suspects now, as well as other cases that seem eerily similar to the beauty-queen's homicide, it's still a case that may never have any answers or resolution. The Laci Peterson case was a year-long infatuation created by Fox News and MSNBC. Of course a beautiful, vibrant, and pregnant woman who disappears on Christmas Eve- and who's husband is the only real suspect- has all the ingredients of a fascinating case, add in Amber Frey and the subsequent trial- and it seemed to have the entire nation 'riveted'. Unfortunately while these high-profile cases keep certain victims faces plastered on our t.v. sets- many, many other cases fall through the cracks with hardly a mention. Every state has their missing people and intruiging cases- but only a handful grab the attention of the media. Chandra Levy, Laci Peterson, Natalie Holloway, and now Taylor Biehl are just 4 names, what about the hundreds of others. I've heard it said that in 95% of missing person cases- the people who are considered missing return or are located- I have trouble believing there's a 95% success rate among those who are reported as missing, but then again- I have alot of trouble believing any statistics concerning these matters. The Government has been known to lie as opposed to alarming the public.

Author: 30747 Category:(Mysterious) Created:(2/7/2006 2:19:00 AM) Viewed (1896 times)
My brother called me in a panic last night. He's been staying home with his 4 and 5 year old little girls this past week and has been experiancing some pretty crazy paranormal stuff. He was worried that he was losing his mind and, knowing I'm interested in the paranormal, wanted my opinion. What I'm about to tell you is pretty freaky and some would say unbelievable but I'll tell the story and then you tell me what to think......

There has always been the occasional odd happenings in my brothers home but like everyone else in the world who sees a shadow or hears a voice in the night, he chalked it up to imagination. The current problems started last Friday night. Around 3:00am there was a frantic knock on the door. Looking out the window he saw 3 police cars. Someone had dialed 911 from my brothers house and hung up. The intire house had been sleeping at the time and my brother could not imagine how that could have happened. He varified it with the police twice that it was from his phone.

The next day his 4 year old started talking to an "imaginary" friend in the living room. She called him Johnny. The 5 year old was afraid of Johnny and at one point frantically hid behind her father, shaking and crying. Later that day the 5 year old very calmly told her father that it was okay that she didn't like Johnny but Sadie was there to protect them all now and Sadie was (at first) sitting on the couch and then laying on the floor. My brother started to write down everything the girls said and what happened. That night the girls got up at 2 in the morning and danced wildly in the living room for hours unable to be controled.

The next day things got even worse. The 4 year old refused to eat saying Johnny would make her sick. The were all sitting in the living room when they heard noices from the kitchen. When they looked, all the cupboard doors had come opened. My brother was then "attacked" by a blow to the back of the head by something unseen. Later on he noticed the 4 year old was sitting on the couch very quietly. She would not respond to him for several minutes and then said in a deeper, lower voice than her own "My husband is here. He killed my son. He says he loves me but I don't believe him" By now my brother was freaking out but he stayed calm and said to her "who are you?" She said "Alley, he says he loves me but I don't believe him. He killed him." Then she said 5 times "the baby sitter knows". My brother asked the name of the "husband" and she said "Keith". My brother asked what Keith did and my 4 year old sweet little neice let out a string of obsenities and told him to get the *heck* out. When she came out of this she did not remember anything. The 5 year old still insisted that Sadie would keep them safe. The 4 year old started developing dark circles under her eyes and they could see the veins in her through her skin. She appeared to be ill but didn't act like she was. I should point out that these incidents were not continuous and the kids laughed and played normally most of the day. That night they got up again in the middle of the night and were uncontrolable.

Yesterday there were simular things happening. The 4 year old occasionally talked to Johnny and went into a trance like state and talked about the "yellow house" and discribed churning butter. I assure you she shouldn't know what churning butter was or how it was done but she described it perfectly. The 5 year old still insisted that Sadie would keep them all safe. Toward the end of the day things got out of control and my brother couldn't take it anymore so he called me. He had documented everything and as he told me I thought maybe he was having a nervous breakdown and I was concerned. I asked to speak to my 5 year old niece and asked her some questions about Sadie. All she would say is Sadie was her friend and looked just like her. I asked her to draw daddy a picture of her house and family. (knowing this is an excellent psycological indication of where a persons mind is at) While she did that I talked to the 4 year old, who was a little harder to understand. I asked her about Johnny and all she would say was he was over by the window. I started to think there was something to all this and it wasn't my brothers imagination but I didn't want to jump the gun and make too much out of it. When he came back on the line I asked him what the 5 year old had drawn. She had drawn their house in black and red. The family was in front of the house and....there were 7 figures standing in the back. I got goose bumps. It was then that he looked at the 4 year old and noticed that some time during the day she had gotten several bruises that looked like thumb prints and he was sure they were not there when he dressed her that morning. She was also looking sicker. I suggested he take her to her doctors to be check out and then go stay at my mothers for the night. It had been a very stressful 3 days with little sleep.

About an hour later he called me in a panic crying. (very NOT like my brother) He was getting the girls ready to go when the 4 year old went into another trance and said "if we go, house turn red". I asked to speak to her. I asked her why the house would turn red and she said to me...."do you wanna see the pretty flashing lights Aunt Be". I didn't like the way she said it. It was like a threat. Then she either acted like she couldn't hear me or something was wrong with the phone. I kept talking and talking louder even though I heard her clear as day and it occured to me that she was acting like she couldn't hear me. It was like a game but I sware to you it was not her. My brother got back on the phone and said he was getting them out of there. It wasn't long after that that my mother called me and she was in a panic. She kept trying to call my brother and someone would pick up and whisper something she couldn't understand. Finally on the 4th try she got my brother and he put the 4 year old on the phone to her. She said to my mother "grandma, you die". This naturally upset my mother and I had to explain to her what I knew about all this.

I'm not making this up. This is no fiction story or movie plot. This is really happening and if I didn't experiance what I did with my niece I might have said my brother was losing his mind but something was not right there. He called me when he got to my mothers and the girls were doing better. The 4 year old even ate something for the first time in almost 3 days. I talked to my sister in law and she said it has been complete insanity in that house between the bathroom door constantly being locked from the inside so no one can get in, the alarm clock going off at all hours, the smell of sulfur from time to time, the shadow she saw in the kitchen and mumblings in the living room when no one is there and the girls talking the way they have been. She begged me to come down and help them get rid of all this but I'm afraid this is a bit more than I can handle. I could do an amature blessing, I could do a ghost investigation but I'm pretty sure this is at least partly a demonic pressence. I have started reasurch on my brothers home. This is not about the home at all. It's a newer home. It's the land that's the problem. I've found that it's part of a large homestead that cannot be subdivided. There is a foundation behind my brothers house that I wasn't aware of. I have just gotten into who lived on the land and have a last name. Now I'm looking into the history of these people. If I find a Alley, Keith, Sadie and/or Johnny then I don't think I need anymore proof of the paranormal than that. I also told them I would be down Saturday to see what I can do. I just hope my niece doesn't look at me and say "get out" in her best Exorcist voice. I know, nothing to laugh at.

If anyone out there knows anything about handling the nasty ghosts I would appreciate the info

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Thursday, February 22, 2007 @ 9:58 PM
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007 @ 2:56 PM
Cute-Spot.com - Myspace Generators and Glitter Graphics!

These are some exciting and freaky stories: Visit Cute-Spot.com!

Submitted by: Heather
Age: 14
From: California
Title: Do Not Mess With The Ouija Board

My Story: It goes a little something like this. This is not actually about me, but about what happened to my dad, but it has affected all who enter our house.

One night, my dad and his buddies were at our house, just messing around. They were about 17 or so. Well, somebody had the brilliant idea of bringing along an ouija board. At first, it was all in good fun, they were just asking random questions. Then, they asked "its" name. It began rambling off letters for about five minutes, it looked like it had a whole mess of different names inside it. It would have kept going, but they decided to stop it. Then they asked how old it was, and it did the same thing. It just went on, and on with random numbers, and they eventually just stopped that too. Then, they asked, "Could you possess us?" and it pointed to "yes". They asked, "could we help you?" and it pointed to "yes" again. Then, being the idiot he was, my dad jokingly took a crusifix and touched it to the ouija board. The second it touched, Jesus fell off of the crusifix at hands & feet.

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After that, my dad got royally freaked out and they decided to burn the board. A big mistake I swear to you. The next day, our house caught fire. My dad had to put it out with his hands seven times!!! Ever since then and mind you, he is in his fourties now, strange things have been happening, and still do. Knives randomly fly off tables, pennies fall out of nowhere, my television constantly gets turned off and on, and there is a pure white cat, it almost looks like a bobcat or a manx, with bright blue eyes that stalks my dad and pounces at him occasionally. Also, I've noticed there is almost always either a black cat or crow in the general area wherever I go. Coincidence? I think not.

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The End.

Next Story

Submitted by: Cole Age: N.A. From: N.A. Title: Dead Eyes

My Story:
I went on a road trip to a small town. We stopped at a motel that was supposed to be haunted. As my friend Grant was unpacking, he saw a hole in the wall and he could see into room ten. He was in room 9. As he looked in, he saw a beautiful girl taking off her black dress. He was watching her but he turned around when I called him. He told me to shut up. When he turned around he saw just black, and he thought it was her dress. He went down to tell the manager about the hole in room 10. The manager told us how his niece had died a few years before in that room. He also said that when she died, her eyes went black. Grant immediately told me and we quickly packed our stuff and checked out from the motel. Now my friend knows, it wasn't her dress he saw but her eye!
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The End.

Last Story:

Submitted by: Sam Dol Age: 29 From: Choa Chu Kang Title: What's that?

My Story:
This happened to me when I was in my pre-school. I was staying in a rented flat in Mei Ling St then (one living room, one bedroom). As my family was quite large for a one roomer, me and my dad would normally sleep in the living room.

On certain nights, I would wake up to find my father sleeping in the bedroom. I have to admit I was afraid of the dark. Most times if I woke up and saw that my father was not next to me, I would cover my face with the pillow and force myself to sleep.
On one particular night, I woke up and saw that my father was not in the living room. Some reason or another, I was too afraid to sleep alone and rushed into the bedroom. There was no space left in the bedroom except for a small portion on the floor facing the door. I then lay down on my stomach, facing the door, and put my face on my pillow. When I looked up, I saw this figure in white, similar to a woman wearing a telekung (telekung - malay term for a prayer dress that Muslim women wear; like a robe), except that the telekung is illuminated. Body features can't be seen.. the figure was walking/floating across the living room from the direction of the kitchen to the main door and I could see it clearly...

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At first I thought it was my mom doing her special night prayers, but she was sleeping next to me. Looked around the room, saw the whole family was sleeping in the room. Woke her up and said someone else is in the house but she asked me to go back to sleep. Took my pillow covered my face and tried to forget the incident, but the memory is still strong... Until now I can still visualise the luminous white-robed figure...
The End.

Visit Cute-Spot.com!

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 9:29 AM

i'm blogging from my school's computer lab...
very bored at school so came here to blog!
Tomoro there is this stupid total defence day thing,
like torturing!
So i would not hav to blog when i am bak from school at home,
wonder wat kind of boring lessons will be in store for me later on,
See ya tommorow(if i can remember)!

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Friday, February 9, 2007 @ 4:23 PM

Just came back from science leader's meeting,
have to do experiment on pollens during recess time,
*sighs*cannot play with friends...
listening to angela's songs now,
see ya!

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007 @ 2:06 PM

Today's Wednesday, and during chinese class we went to comouter lab,
hav to do research on the cowherd and the weaving maiden,
9 homeworks to do today!!!!
in kaya roti's journal have a lot of Shan Chih's name,
Shan Chih just dun wanna believe it,
ask her go and see then she'll finally believe it!

Dollz Mania

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007 @ 4:02 PM

Just got back from enrichment class,
Watching cardcaptor sakura on youtube now(so cute!),
at 7pm, there is ying huo chong de meng,
wanna watch it,
yeay tomoro going to the computer lab!
and school ends at 12:30PM!
i'm collecting eails from those that i KNOW,
so feel free to drop in your email address in my tagboard or just drop in any message,

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Sunday, February 4, 2007 @ 9:24 PM

Tomorrow's Monday and have to go back to schooll!!!
Then the whole week will be boring again...
Hoping that tomorrow will be a better day...
and also the new week will be more and more exciting!!!
Going to sleep, nightey-nite!

Glitter Graphics

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Friday, February 2, 2007 @ 4:30 PM


got back from supplementary at 3.45 pm
so ssian and tired
say i no respect all kaya bread's fault!
finally now weekend can go enjoy the long sleep...
monday still have to go back to school...
i'm talking on the phone and blogging now...
tan yi hui and edward
Glitter Graphics

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Thursday, February 1, 2007 @ 4:12 PM
Glitter Graphics
Just got bak from school...
as usual very sian....
and this lovecalculator thing is spreading all around...
all becoz of my stupid fault...
i like the part:edward love yi hui 88%...
but certainly not the spreading and all that...
boys are so "ba kua"...
tomorrow friday finally last day of week,
feeling very bored now
changed blogskin that is still very lame!

Glitter Graphics

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Leila Liu Zi yan AKA Yoo Hae Yeon and U KNOW YUN HO's DARLINGGG (NO bashing...):D birthday's on June 6th Gemini a studentin Nan Hua High 205 09 and Kranjian since 2002 a Cassiopeia, ELF, Wonderful Korean PopxD 4Minutes,2NE1, BoA, f(x),Kara,Davichi, Lady Collection, Secret, Brown Eyed Girls, Big Bang, SNSD =DDD loves my clique (both primary and secondary) :D Music is MY LIFE Addicted to DBSK :) No matter how many times they find us
No matter if we can’t breathe
Like those invisible flower-like smiles
Which shine just like the stars
I’ll keep you safe beautifully

` DBSK, Picture of You

My Heart Beats with you guys
THe Greatest ,most fortunate and eternal bliss I will ever experience is loving DBSK!


A.K.A TVXQ, Tohoshinki

Stage Name: Hero

Stage Name: U-Know

Stage Name: Micky

Stage Name: Xiah

Stage Name: Max


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