
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 2:06 PM
Yesterday was Parent Teacher COnference and I'm quite pleased with my results.
English :68.3
Maths: 63 (Yea, this totally succkss)
Higher CHinese: 75.4
English Literature: 73.8
Science: 71.1
Geography: 54.6 (this suckks too!)
History: 82.7
Art: 72.4

I got 5As, my class position is 11/37 and level position is 93/424, which is pretty good, I guess.
My fathe rnad ms poon kept talking about my Maths, wahhlao, I'll improve de lahh, don't make it sound as if it's the end of the world! :PPP
My dear CHang Min got 4th in class, waaaa, she so pro! :)

Something that I waanaa share-Just some fan accounts for DBSK and I think they're the nicest people in the world, especially my 3 favourites-Yun Ho Chang MIn and Jun Su~~~
Chinese Fan Account with Junsu

I have a sister whom is a crazy Cassiopeia and she's studying in Japan. She often get to see TVXQ as they have lots of events in Japan. Recently, she have told me many things about TVXQ when she got home. I'm so jealous to the extent that I'm going crazy and the thing that makes me speechless is........

One day, it seems to be after TVXQ finished their performance, then my sister squeezed into the crowd and asked for autographs. After seeing Junsu, my sister took out a pen and paper and wrote in Japanese to Junsu, said: "Could you sign for me?". Junsu lifted his head and smiled to my sister (I want to bang the wall....). Then he said: "Of course, no problem". And my sister added a sentence, "I'm a Chinese". At this point of time where Junsu is about to sign for her, he stopped and lifted up his head and look at my sister, said: "Really? You are a Chinese?". There are lots of people over there and my sister are going to be squeezed out of the crowd. Then Junsu stepped forward and quickly signed for her. Just when he was signing, he murmured and said: "China's fan, China's..".

After finish signing, he actually prepared to return it back to my sister but he took it back and passed to Yoochun who is near him and said: "Micky, sign it, it's a China's fan book". After Yoochun signed it, Junsu look around for awhile, but the other 3 members were squeezed so far away. Junsu finally found my sister in the crowd and apologized and said: "They (Other 3 members) have gone missing, so both of us can only signed for you. If there's another chance next time, we'll then sign for you again". Then he returned the pen and book back to my sister.

The other fans started to squeeze even more ferociously after seeing someone finished signing. My sister said that she could remember very clearly of a move that Junsu does in the crowd because to make things convenient for Junsu to sign, she took the cap of the pen away. A pen without a cap would easily vandalised or drawn onto some things. So when Junsu is returning the pen, in order not to draw onto any fan, he faced the pen tip towards himself. And in order not to poke onto any fan, Junsu covered his hands with the pen and hold onto it. His clothes have been drawn for several times by the rest of the part of the pen that was exposed outside. He then released his hands when my sister stretched out her hands to him.

I've totally fall on his demeanour. I even asked my sister why did she still allow Junsu to return her the pen when there are so many people at that moment. My sister replied, "I also didn't have that intention but he keep looking and finding for me to return the pen, so how can I not taking it back?".

Actually, my sister is a Yunho's fan, but she couldn't find Yunho when she went to get the autographs. She met Junsu instead, and in the end, she was totally being attracted by Junsu's move......... She keep telling me, "Junsu totally look like an angel whom keep shining that night"........... I feel so frustrated after listening. Why didn't I have such chance to meet that good fool whom regarded Chinese as an rare animal?

Please take out with full credits.
Source: DNBN + sotvxq
Translated by: jaesica @tvxqfever.blogspot.com
Jun Su is soooooo cute and he's such a nice guy <3
Totally my typee, oh i wish i could see him tooo ........
*Prays hard*
Fan Account From Paris
This is a fan account posted by luvjj @ dbsg comm, LJ of her experience meeting DBSK in France.

What I think about the boys now that I've seen them in real

But I just want to tell you a few things I had the luck to see about them.

First time meeting them was at the airport. At first we all were so excited! But then all the girls I talked too who were there (the majoity of us kept contact), we all felt very depressed.
True Yunho and Changmin were kind. But JJ and Yoochun giving quite a cold shoulder and the fan girling we could not suppress left us regretful.
We were all asking each other "and what if jae and chun are playing a role for the TVs and that's how they are in real?" Jae have so much fan here.
But after seeing them 2 two times at their hotel (I'm lucky it was only 15 minutes from my house!!!), one time in La Sorbonne Saint Michel and the last time in the Louvre museum I must say that it wasn't true.

The driver of their bus became my friend and he told me a few thing about the boys. And thanks to him I have all their autographs on All about DBSK.
I wasn't sure if I had to keep it for myself and I wanted to do so at first but then every cassiopeia share what we have for the sake of the dong bang boys and that's what I really love in this fandom, the way we all help each other. I've meet, thanks too them, wonderful people (in RL and in the Internet).

I will begin with Yunho. It will never be enough said. This guy is a prince,a real angel. Always very very very kind with everybody always smiling and willing to give autographs even if he's tired even if his stupid manager is yelling at him to go . He's the ultimate leader. I had the chance to see him, he was alone with 3 persons of his staff (I think they were 16 with the boys, 3 girls, one translator, a manager and few assistants the rest were pfotgraphs) . At first I didn't want to bother him but my friend was kind of daring me to talk to him. So I went to him said "bonjour" he said "bonjour" too with no accent. I asked him if we could shake hands he didn't understand but someone of his staff told him and he did it. Ok my mind was so blank! I nearly forgot to say au revoir and left, we waited to be in another street to scream like the happy fan girl we were so he couldn't hear us. I don't think he knew we were fans so the morning after, when he saw us at the hotel he looked at us for nearly 30 seconds ahaha. And in the Louvre he gave us a bright smile and a little wave. Every fan I talk too say the same thing Yunho U-Know is the most kind (ad hot) person on earth. Thinking about the anti fans made me really sad and angry now that I know how he is in RL. But, please he's too thin, it's not healthy anymore, he's face is so small!!! Please pray for his health. And Oh! he is SO GOOD LOOKING. This boy has every thing for him, the person he will marry (even if I seriously hope Jaeho is real) will be one damn lucky girl.

Changmin is very cute. So much more handsome than in pics (just like Yoochun); I already told you how I talked to him in the airport (He was just next to me and I said "anyooooo changminiiie!" he smile shyly and bowed his head a little)
When I was at their hotel he already was in the bus with yunho. But he saw me I pointed at him and I was like "hey changminie!" and he started laughing cutely and waving at us. And so did he saturday. Even he had a fed up face when he saw all the girls waiting for them (the french fans were waiting for them near the bus and some asian fans/tourists?, maybe 12 were waiting for them IN the hotel.) A girl wanted to give a letter to Yoochun bt he didn't saw her so she turned too Changmin ; he was pointing at yoochun saying "no no no him!" AHAHAHA!

Junsu is cute too. He tried to talk with french people, played foot with little kids in a park, I heard him sing neyo while he was doing a fotoshoot, and OMG he's voice is wonderful. I talked a little too him and Yoochun in the Louvre. I just said to Yoochun that "We just wanted to say goodbye" he gave me a very shiny smile and came back too his phone (him and Jae are ALWAYS talking on the phone or sending messages maybe they have girlfriends? I won't lie I will be happy for Yoochun but so jealous for Jae!!!). Junsu was sitting on the floor. I asked him if we could shake hands. His hands are so so small and soft. Kinda girly actually. I was starting to leave but I turned back to him and said "Oh! Xiah Junsu fighting! "He did the motion with his arm and smiled one very tired yet cute smile.

And now Jae. I didn't expected him to be like that though the boys already told this. This guy is so so so good looking. I'm not very shy ok, but even if his my fav (with Yunho and then the other boys are 2nd ex aequo I just love them all) I talked to every one and not him. He's not girly at all. Actually he's almost more manly than Yunho since his shoulder are more broad . He's so cool. Maybe too much? I don't know. But in no way he could be mistaken as a girl. He kinda seems to be inaccessible, like a princess in his Ivory tower. He loves to be by himself. If he's not shooting or talking on the phone most of time he's alone listening to his Ipod. Even the driver told that this boys seems to be different, he has something very special about him, an aura of nostalgia, of melancholy emanates from him. The driver told me that sometime all the boys were talking and laughing and that he just seems to be off thinking of other things, being in another world. He told me that one time they were talking he left, sat next to him and just listened to his music without saying a word. It makes me understand the "booJaejoong" nickname since he spaces out a lot. But he's kind too (and he's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen on earth) and sign autographs too fans when he can.

Maybe it was because they were tired? Because yes they were. Jaejoong had such eye bags! And it was not just him but everybody. They had to be in the bus a 8:30 am and to come back to sleep at 11pm except Saturday. The driver told me that fans didn't understand they were not here to do tourism but to work, they had no time for themselves at all until Saturday, when he had to take them to Les Galleries Lafayette so they could do some shopping.Every where they went they were people who knew who they are. At Montmartre they are a lot of asian tourists: they could hardly work because of people always bothering them. That's why I didn't want to bother them by taking photos even if I could do so many many many times. It must already be exhausting to always have girls (and of them badly fan girling) watching you, following you everywhere. The driver told me that some Chinese girls where chasing him in a cab. And at the airport I don't know if it was the same girls but they were not french , they tried to go in their bus and where reaming like mad.

I feel really bad for them. Always working their best for us. I just saw them 2 days and I was so so so tired. A girl who followed them 3 days quite everywhere told me she had lost 5 kg since they had come. They have money and no time to spend it, they had to change 10 times per day in the bus. They sang in it, slept in it. They were in France and didn't relax at all. I'm worry about their health they're all so thin.

Please pray for them, love and support them the best you can. Share the Dong Bang Love.

Hope this account wasn't too boring. ^^

Another account about Yunho

I've always been a silent reader in this thread (soompi) but this time I just want to share my experience because I'm one of the happiest french fan in this world XD

A lot of people told their stories so i don't want to bother you with mine, I just want to tell something that happen when I asked an autograph to Yunho, because he's the nicest person i've ever seen on earth and i want people to know it >3<

It was on saturday, the boys were walking in the streets, they just stopped sometimes to take photos and all that stuff ...
At that moment, Yunho was alone with only ONE manager and started to walk at the other side of the street ... So my friend told me to go and ask him an autograph because he's my favourite and I would never have a chance like this one >o<
3 others fans and I went after him and asked him if he can give us his autograph ... But yeah, I don't know why, the managers didn't want them to sign autographes, so the manager who was with him was like "no no sorry" (but he said this nicely, unlike some OTHERS bad managers è___é).
But we insisted a little, and Yunho looked at the manager, and at us, he looked like he REALLY wanted to sign it for us but he knew he hadn't the right to do it >o<
So after a few seconds, he look at us, started to walk slowly and with his hand, he made us understand that he wanted us to follow him.
We did so, and while he was taking our papers and other things which were waiting to be signed, he was looking nervously behind his shoulder to see if the other manager didn't see him ...
AND !!!!! He looked at us and put his sexy finger on his sexy mouth with a "shhhhhhh" because he didn't want the bad manager to see what he was doing ~

HE'S SO NICE !!!! <33333333333333 He signed autographes for us secretly >____________________<

Ah yeah I just forgot to say one thing ... while I was following him nervously, I accidently ... WALK ON HIS SHOES 3 TIMES A ROW * KABOOM!*...
At the 3rd time, he turned his head and smile at me nicely... but i'm sure his smile meant something like "are you doing it on purpose ? Ôo You don't know how to walk properly, don't you ??" u__________u;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I was SO ashamed, i didn't know what to say >o< So I just said "I'm really very sorry !~~ "
I'm sure he thought I did it on purpose >o< I felt soooo bad after that !! >____________<
Especially when you know that I did weird things just in front of him like 4 times in a single week end ... I was sooo ashamed >_____<

So ... it was just the moment I wanted to share with you, I don't want to bother you much~ ^^
I'll post pictures if I can find the cable of my camera ... I'll regret it all my life if I can't find it and the pictures will stay on my camera forever XD

It was just one of the best week end of my life =)
Thank you TVXQ >.<

(And sorry for my bad english, I'm still very excited so it's hard to think haha xDDD)
credits: Pitchu@soompi
I reckon and CONFIRM that they're the nicest people in the world, my Yun Hooo::)))

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Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 3:58 PM
The last day of school for term 2, or rather semester 1.
And so far our 3 unofficial male teachers had left us-History teacher Mr Khoo, Maths teacher Mr Liu and P.E. teacher Mr Ho~
And now we're left with no more unofficial teachers~
Ah~sadd =(

Our history teacher keep changing, one after another,
and for maths, mr liu leaving may just mean more torture from Mr Ng!!!
For P.E., it makes no difference lahhh~
Well, wish them good luck~
And Jesslyn, don't cry arh, I know you can't bear to leave your 3 favourite teachers! :P

Yay, my latest Maths test got 28/40 and I thought that was damo hard :X
Yoo Hae In fighting! Maths must get A!!!

Tomorrow's Parent teacher meeting.
For me, it's 3.30 pm, with Chiew Ling aka Charming! YAY! XD
I can't wait for clique outing on my birthday and tuhh watch Dance, Subaru! WOO~


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Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 2:41 PM
You have no idea how much I love DBSK---to the core!!! :PPP

Yesterday I bought BoA's Best and USA album at CD Rama,
$29.40 nia! Got 4 Discs inside! And my dear unnie paid ten dollars as my birthday present!
And I saw the ranking charts~ And I screamed!!! My 2 favourite artists from SM entertainment have their 2 Japanese albums up on our Singapore's very own album chart, even beating Jolin Tsai! Wooo~ Too bad Super Junior's album not in the chart but still, OMG, I screamed when I saw DBSK!

BoA's BEST + USA album
DBSK/THSK's Secret Code album!!! *Junsu!, Chang Min, Yun Ho,Jae Joong!!!***

Ahh! THen when i got home, after watching BOF on TV,
i watched BoA's DVDs,
man, she's such an excellent dancer,
i reli envy her hahaXD
She's officially my number one female idol!
haha still cant choose between her and wonder girls!
Then after BoA, me and my sis watched DBSK's DVD from The Secret Code!
AHHHH! Dunno what's wrong with me, I was screaming Chang Min's name and laughing like mad at abou 12 am in the next morning! So much for being considerate!
And my mother likes Jae joong! She even said, zhe cai shi zhen zheng de shuai! (This is what I call handsome!)
OMG, she likes Jae Joong, haha, usually Singaporeans like Jae Joong de~ And Yun ho lahhs :)
Then we watched the DVD till 2 am and laughed like mad,
because of what my mum commented about Micky,
that he's real _ _ _ _ _ !!xDDD
He sure is.

Can't wait for Dance, Subaru! Gonna watch it in 1st June and our clique outing's on 2nd June, I can't wait!!!

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Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 12:13 PM
Nothing interesting when we went to Marina Barrage yesterday,
those dirty waters really annoyed me,
gaa~ Compared to Jeju-do's seas~ Blehhhs~

The reason I'm willing to go is because of the interaction I can have with my friends,
like singing on the bus,
talking nonsense,
chatting about dbsk,
and real sad, luhh chang min changed her phone's memory card...=_="

Ehh realli nothing interesting baout the trip,
so i not gonna say any further,
it's definitiely a boring trip,
but gonna post tons of pictures~

Thanks to jesslyn and CHiew Ling for writing those words up on the board :D

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 4:37 PM
Which DBSK cutie will fall for you???
Another one of the DBSK cuties. He's is the youngest in the group and has never had a girlfriend before. (girls, take him while u still got the chance) He may be shy in the beginning and wont talk much but will always love you.

Take the quiz!


Which TVXQ member will fall in love with you?
U-Know Yunho
U-Know Yunho
You got the bad boy of the group. He can dance and he's not shy about showing it off. He's so hot and most of the fans LOVE him. You must be glad he likes you or not. Either way, you're stuck with him.

Take the quiz!


Who is your DBSK Love?
Your love is the talented dancer U -know!

Take the quiz!


Who is your future husband of DBSK?
Yay for you. You picked Yunho U-Know
Yay for you. You picked Yunho U-Know
He's hot, sexy, and he's good at dancing that you will never forget. You'll meet him at the beach. Then for your first date, is at the DANCE CLUB. Proposing from your man at the same place where you met. Wedding will be awesome with music that all of the people will like along with family & friends. And for your Honeymoon Bali, Indonesia. Have a Happy Honeymoon Mr. & Mrs. Jung

Take the quiz!


I got all my faves, yay!

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Leila Liu Zi yan AKA Yoo Hae Yeon and U KNOW YUN HO's DARLINGGG (NO bashing...):D birthday's on June 6th Gemini a studentin Nan Hua High 205 09 and Kranjian since 2002 a Cassiopeia, ELF, Wonderful Korean PopxD 4Minutes,2NE1, BoA, f(x),Kara,Davichi, Lady Collection, Secret, Brown Eyed Girls, Big Bang, SNSD =DDD loves my clique (both primary and secondary) :D Music is MY LIFE Addicted to DBSK :) No matter how many times they find us
No matter if we can’t breathe
Like those invisible flower-like smiles
Which shine just like the stars
I’ll keep you safe beautifully

` DBSK, Picture of You

My Heart Beats with you guys
THe Greatest ,most fortunate and eternal bliss I will ever experience is loving DBSK!


A.K.A TVXQ, Tohoshinki

Stage Name: Hero

Stage Name: U-Know

Stage Name: Micky

Stage Name: Xiah

Stage Name: Max


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